Class 10 socail note unit 1



Copyright © Talent Guruji | Developed By StudentHuman Resource Development

1.Define human resources.
The people or group of people with ability, knowledge and skill to perform or carry out different type works in specific field is known as human resource.

2.Name the type of human resource on the basis of skill.
The types of human resource on the basis of skills are are:
Unskilled human resource
Semi-skilled human resource
Skilled human resource

3. Compare between short term human resource and long term human resource.
short term human resources means human resources prepared for or full feeling short term need of the nation
Long term human resources means human resources prepare for fulfilling both the immediate and future needs of the nation.

4.Write the full form of HRM and HRD.
The full form of HRM is Human Resources Management HRD is Human Resource Development.

Short answer questions
1.Differentiate between Human Resources Development and Human Resources Management.
The difference between Human Resources Development and Human Resources Management are:
Human Resources Development:
1. It is a continuous development that intends to improve the performance the people by working in the organization.
2. It is a part of human resources.
3. It is an ongoing process.
4. It focuses on the development of entire organization.

Human Resources Management
1. It is the process of appointing and developing employees to make them more valuable to the organization.
2. It is a function of management.
3. It is a routine process.
4. It is concerned with people only.

2.Explain the importance of HRD.
Human Resources Development is a continuous development that intends to improve the performance of people working in the organization.
Without human resources development, country can not progress effectively. It helps to fulfill the lack of manpower at the time of need and manage the additional employees. It helps to increase the productivity of organization with the proper management of available manpower. It helps to increase or decrease the number of workers in the organization. It manages the whole plan, organization, policy making etc. It focuses on the development of entire organization. It is useful to motivate the manpower and the organization to achieve the goal.An organization can get competent manpower from this. It also manages the whole plan, organization, policy making, mutual cooperation, provision of budget,and condition of profit and loss of the organization. It also supports to search manpower for the present and future. It is supportive to motivate the manpower to achieve organizational goal. It strengthens the relationship between stakeholders and employees which gives positive result in the quality of work so that human resources development is very important.

3.What plan has been made for the human resources development in the our country?
Following plan has been made for human resource development in our country:
a. Developing the skilled and competent manpower capable to compete in the national and international organization.
b. Maintaining the balance between demand and supply of manpower.
c. Developing the ability of targeted group.
d. Running integrated programs for the skilled human resources development.
e. Preparing and implementing the human resources development policy.

4.How should the manpower plan be prepared inorder to upgrade our country as developed countries?
Manpower should be prepared by following ways:
1. Determining the objective of human resources planning.
2. Analyzing current manpower supply.
3. Training and development.
4. Analyzing the manpower gaps.
5. Forecasting the demand and supply of Human resources.
6. Evaluation of manpower planning.
7. Employment plan/Action plan.

5.What are the challenges in human resources development in Nepal?How can they be overcome?
The challenges of human resources development are:
a. Lack of required manpower for development since a large number of skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled manpower go abroad for foreign employment.
b. Complexity in the management of manpower since the production and demand is not matching.
c.There is lack of clear human resources policy in the country.

The solutions of human resources development are:
a. Employment opportunity should be created in the country and reduce dependency on foreign employment.
b. Balance between the production of manpower in the country and demand in market should be maintained.
c. A human resource plan with long term action plan is necessary to overcome challenges of HRD.

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