BIOLOGY Specification Grid 2077

Grade: 11 Subject: Biology Theory (Bio. 201) S.N. Content Area Working hour


 Item format in composite should be met as per the specification grid.

 Designated weightage in the combined cell should be met, but ±2 marks variation will be allowed within a unit/content area. But no unit

 At least one LAQ, two SAQs and three MCQs must be included from each group/combined cell.

 In the case of SAQ and LAQ, these should ensure that 1 mark will be assigned per element expected as correct response.

 The distribution of cognitive domain of questions should be nearly 15% knowledge/remembering, 25% understanding, 30% applying and

30% higher ability level. Higher ability includes analyzing, evaluating and creating level.

 SAQ and LAQ can be structured (have two or more sub-items). SAQ and LAQ can be distributed to two or more cognitive behaviors.

 In such case these will be added to their respective cognitive behavior. In sum the distribution of cognitive behavior should be

approximately to the required distribution. In the case of SAQ there will be 2 "OR" questions and in the case of LAQ there will be 1 "OR"



Attempt all questions. Group 'A'

Circle the correct one from given alternatives. (11 ×1 = 11)

1. Identify the correct bonding between nitrogen bases in DNA molecule from

given pair.

a. A = C b. A = G c. A = U d. A = T

2. Miller and Urey designed an experiment and try to recreate the environment of

primitive earth to support the theory of biochemical origin of life. Which

composition he has used to produce simple amino acids?

a. Ammonia, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and water vapour

b. Ammonia, Methane, Hydrogen, and water vapour

c. Ammonia, Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, and water vapour

d. Ammonia, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and water vapour

3. Which habitat is needed for xerophytic plants to survive?

a. habitat with dry condition

b. warm habitat

c. habitat like desert

d. habitat with little water

4. “Red rust is one of the destructive diseases in tea plants which results adverse

effect on tea yield. It is caused by a type of algae.” Which discipline of Biology

is related to explain the above statement?

a. Mycology b. Agronomy c. Pathology d. Phycology

5. Which of the following is a practice of in-situ conservation of biodiversity?

a. Botanical garden b. Wildlife sanctuary

c. Zoo d. Seed bank

6. Which one statement of the following tells the favor of prop root?

a. It has the function of support

b. It has the function of absorption

c. It has the function of fixation

d. It has the function of conduction

7. Forelimbs (wings) of Dragon fly, Pteranodon, Hawk and Bat are given,


8. What type of organs are these?

a. Homologous b. Atavism

c. Analogous d. Vestigial

9. Which is the nearest ancestor of modern man?

a. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis

b. Homo sapiens sapiens

c. Homo erectus erectus

d. Homo erectus pekinensis

9. In the given figure, X denotes an organ of the

frog which produces a particular sound. What

does that sound indicate?

a. Danger

b. Hunger

c. Excitement

d. Sex appeal

10. Trichocysts is an important organelle in

Paramecium. Which activities does it associate for?

a. Defense, offence, and adhesion

b. Defense, reproduction, and nutrition

c. Offence, osmoregulation, and defense

d. Adhesion, osmoregulation, and reproduction

11. IUCN noticed the one horned rhino restricted in Chitwan national park of Nepal

as high risk group. Its population has declined due to habitat loss, excessive

poaching, low rate of breeding, human encroachment and other descendent

factors. According to this description, in which risk group does one horned rhino

of Nepal notice?

a. Near endangered b. Critically endangered

c. Endangered d. Least endangered



Group 'B'

Give short answer to the following questions. (8 × 5 =40)

1. Write any five characteristics of Chlorophyceae.

2. 'Gymnosperm is an advanced group than Pteridophyta'. Justify this statement

with any five points.


Compare between simple fruit and multiple fruit in two points. How can fruit

play an important role for continuity of generation in plant life? (2×2+1)

3. How can ecological factors influence in pond ecosystem? discuss it with suitable

examples with respect to its structural and functional aspects. (2+1+2)

4. Explain any five ways, how microorganisms play an important role in the field

of medicine?

5. The excessive and unbalance use of pesticides is one of the prominent

environmental issue since last few years in Nepal. Mention any three

consequences of over use of pesticides in your locality and suggest awareness

campaign that you have follow in two points. (3+2)

6. What is transverse binary fission? Write its process in Paramecium. (1+2+2)

7. How can pancreas of a frog play an important role in digestion? Explain it in

reference to physiology of intestinal digestion. (2+3)


Describe with suitable diagram, how copulation and cocoon formation takes

place in earthworm. (2+2+1)

8. How does Darwinism explain the theory of organic evolution? Clarify your

answer. (5)

Group 'C'

Give long answer to the following questions. (3 × 8 = 24)

9. Why is sexual reproduction important in lower grade plant like fungi? Explain it

with respect to sexual reproduction of Yeast along with diagram. (2+ 2×3)



Explain the diagnostic floral characters of family Solanaceae with floral formula

and floral diagram. Write the botanical name of any two plants of this family

regarding medicinal and edible values. (4+1+1+2)

10. How excretion is performed in earthworm? Explain in analytical approach of the

structure of septal nephridia of earthworm with labeled diagram. (1+4+3)

11. Meiosis cell division is important in life of organism since it maintains the

chromosomal stability in offspring which is happen due to reduction and

disjunction of homologous chromosome. It is a multi-step processes and two

successive steps within this process is given.

Fig- 1 Fig-2

a. In reference to disjuction,what changes do you find between fig-1 & fig-2

? Describe it. (4)

b. What had happened in chromosomal stability if changes not occurs from

figure-1 to figure-2 ? (1)

c. Draw the diagram of succesivenext one step after figure-2 with two

distinguishing features. ( 1+2)

                             #best of luck#

biology class 11 model questin download

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